Monday, March 13, 2006

Whirling Dervish

The owner of the team DJ Dozier and Friends, one Gil McDavies, stirred some minor controversy today by, first, asking that tomorrow's noon dispersal draft be pushed back a day to accommodate an unforeseen work conflict, and then, once that request was summarily rejected by the league, notifying everyone - for the first time - that his "GC" would be available to draft in his stead.

Whoa whoa whoa ... hang on there, Gil. Your what? Your "GC"? Don't you know the third rule of this fantasy league: no unannounced co-owners, GMs or GCs? Surely you know that rule because you were involved in The Incident That Lead to the Rule's Adoption and are therefore well aware of the rule's purpose to keep Those Who Have Been Banned From the League from secretly infiltrating the league as silent co-GMs.

In any event, McDavies' initial mail was harmless enough (though I can say that the nudge at a certain Padre pitcher who may or may not soon be a first-round pick of The Bevormos, did not go unnoticed by Bevormos' co-owner, and blog namesake, Kurt Bevacqua):

Any chance we can get the dispersal draft done today? Conflict popped up for tomorrow. Here, I'll get us going:

With the 1st overall pick in the 2006 dispersal draft, DJ Dozier & Friends selects:

Jake Peav….ah, just kidding Bevormo -- not after he got Pearl Harbor'd by team Japan yesterday.

DJ Dozier & Friends selects: Alex Rodriguez, 3B, New York Yankees.

Assuming my proposal to draft today is summarily rejected (yawn), how much time do we get between picks tomorrow? If it's spaced out enough -- I will be back to the office in time for my 2nd pick.

As mentioned above, the league quickly denied McDavies' request to move back the dispersal draft. Geleaux responded on behalf of the league and, rather efficiently, spliced in a few housekeeping matters regarding the draft:

Your suggestion has been heard but rejected. Dr. Rosendowell needs another day to make trade offers then rescind them for fear they might be accepted.

Does 5 minutes between picks work? That gives people time to make trades. If a trade is made my suggestion would be that the new owner of the pick gets 2 minutes - presumably they know who they are taking at that point. Obviously there is no requirement to take the entire 5 (or 2) minutes prior to selecting.

Also, since this is via the internets, I think we should probably dispense with the 'Vikings Rule'. It will definitely be in play during the live draft, but the last thing we want is people claiming their email was held up, etc.

If there are any serious time conflicts with tomorrow at noon just let us know and we can work around them. Again, the whole thing shouldn’t take more than an hour.

One last item - if you are keeper team and don’t want to be on the email chain give us the word when you get a shot.

Upon receipt of that e-mail, McDavies shot back with notice of his previously unknown "GC":

I will have my blackberry with me, so I should be alright for a noon start tomorrow. In the event of an unforeseen service break, however, I have granted the GC of DJ Dozier & Friends, Rake Boon Dan Brass, authority to select and trade players if I am absent. I have attached his e-mail address. Please make sure to include him on the e-mail chain once the festivities begin.

Von Do Well, one-half of the Dr. Rosendowell front office, still smarting from the rigorous "vetting process" he underwent before being allowed to enter the league as a co-owner, responded quickly:

I heartily object to Dozier's employment of a "GC" without prior authorization. Obviously this is a poorly designed attempt to circumvent the "Dr. RosenX" Rule, whereby any team owner wishing to share his management responsibilities and/or league costs must be subjected to an intense vetting process.

On that topic, who is this mysterious Mr. "Boon Dan Brass"? He sounds highly suspect. Please advise.

After receiving some info on Mr. Boon Dan Brass, Von hit back:

The [information I received] offers nothing in terms of vouching for Mr. B's fantasy baseball character. In fact, what's to indicate that he's not Canadian?*

Indeed, if it's the same Rake Boon Dan Brass that I remember from law school, his credibility is shaky at best. In fact, he was well known for hiding large quantities of poker chips in his pockets in an effort to disguise his overall chip stack, misrepresenting the number of beers that he consumed in a given night, and frequently falling asleep in class.

In the end, after a few more e-mails that are far too long, far too detailed, and far too humorous to be published here, McDavies' request for a "GC" was denied.

* Von Do Well did not actually mention Canada here. Canada is merely a stand-in country. But, for the purposes of this blog, this league does not allow "Canadians."


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