Thursday, March 09, 2006

Scheduling Matters

Early this week the league's Commissioners decided on the schedule for the upcoming dispersal and regular drafts and informed the rest of the league of the relevant dates and times. To remind you, the Commissioners are myself (owner of The Kurt Bevormos), Geleaux (owner of Operation Shutdown) and Tam O'Flannel (owner of Skillz That Killz). You could compare it to Rome's First Triumvirate of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus, or if you prefer, take Tom Teatro's (owner of Mitro Nitro) slightly sardonic characterization of the panel from a recent e-mail: "I love this three headed commissioner godzilla."

Additionally, Nolan Yudek, proud owner of The Vipers, is the proclaimed (acclaimed?) "technology czar" for the league and fills in as a pseudo-commissioner when needed. He was invaluable in setting up the league on Yahoo. He is also invaluable to the league because, if the last two seasons are any indication, he will strategize to win the triple and inherited runners scored categories, but no others.

Anyway, here is the e-mail Geleaux sent to the owners earlier this week:

After a rough canvass of the group's various conflicts, we are going to have the dispersal draft at noon on March 14th and the live draft will be at 8pm on March 24th. A few people might be late for the 24th, and Von Do Well [along with Reardon Rosenrosen an owner of Dr. Rosendowell] has a 'friend' in town so he will be in and out (no pun intended, of course), but it looks like it will work for most people. Those who are late (or unable to attend) can call in picks, or send emails, or use semaphore. Whatever works. Apparently we will have access to a speakerphone, although I'm not banking on that actually happening.

The dispersal draft will be conducted via the 'internets'. All of the dispersal teams, plus any interested keeper teams, will be included on the email chain. Hopefully everyone can make it into the office by noon.

There will be strict, and short, time limits for both drafts. In other words, no longer will '30 seconds' be the automatic answer when someone questions how much time is left. Getting a beer is the only valid excuse for drafting beyond the time limit.

Tatt Mareeco, whose Upper West Side apartment is popular both for its location and its 50 inch flat screen HDTV, added a follow up e-mail later in the day:

I have several things to add:

1. I got a timer thing from Williams and Sonoma for either a Wedding gift or Christmas. Either way it will be used. You do not want to be like the Minnesota Vikings on draft day.

2. No delayed picking b/c you're getting a beer. There will be at least two tubs of beer which will be within arms reach of everyone.

3. I will be hosting unless a problem arises in which case we will move to casa de Yudek, unless somebody else really wants to host.

On the by and by, the draft dates are set. All that's left now is the drafting.


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